
On this part of the page you will find descriptions of the most common services provided by Linden, broken down by area of law. If you do not find the service you are looking for, we encourage you to contact us using the contact details listed on the page.

Labour law

A harmonious relationship between employers and employees is the basis for the smooth running of a company. We advise on and resolve employment law issues and prevent potential disputes between employers and employees. We are attentive to the needs of the business and prepare company documentation.

Disputes resolution

Our experience allows us to represent you in a wide range of civil disputes between natural or legal persons and in business disputes, such as shareholder disputes, debt recovery, corporate disputes, directors' liability to shareholders, insolvency proceedings, bankruptcy, disputes over the performance of contracts. Below is a description of Linden's services in the area of business litigation and civil procedure, where we have the most experience.

Company law

We provide the legal services you need from the establishment of a company to its liquidation. We help companies with day-to-day issues - setting up companies in different legal forms, drafting shareholder or internal documents, board regulations, etc. We also help with specific issues related to restructuring or reorganisation. For example, we draft documents and represent clients in changing the legal form of a company, as well as in increasing or decreasing the capital of a company.

Migration law

We provide migration law services to a wide range of clients: employers wishing to recruit employees from abroad, citizens coming to Lithuania individually and wishing to do business here, foreign students, persons intending to obtain temporary or permanent residence permits in Lithuania, persons of Lithuanian descent wishing to re-establish citizenship.

Regulatory services

Permitions from public authorities are a necessary component for smooth and legal business operations. We advise on alcohol licensing and prepare documents for obtaining alcohol licences. We also advise on food handling permits and prepare documents for food handling and other related permits.

BDAR konsultacijos ir pagalba

Organizacijos ir verslai, užmegzdami ryšius su klientais, partneriais ir trečiosiomis šalimis, automatiškai įgyja teisę ir tvarkyti bei valdyti šių asmenų privačius duomenis. Tam, kad įmonė ar organizacija galėtų veikti nepažeisdama teisės aktų, būtina pasirengti reikiamus BDAR atitikties dokumentus, klientus bei darbuotojus informuoti apie jų duomenų naudojimą, pravesti darbuotojams mokymus apie duomenų apsaugą ir kt.

Debt Recovery Litigation Management

We offer debt collection services powered by an intelligent IT system

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